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July 29, 2009, a Wednesday
Wasilla (D&RA), Alaska, USA
— A cloudy day with some shopping
There was light rain when we awoke so we decided to stick around here today. Had my regular breakfast. Worked on the blog entry for yesterday. The rain stopped and the solid overcast remained. Did some computer work. Had my regular lunch and continued doing computer work. We left at 2:12 in the Jeep.

We went to Lake Lucille to look for grebes and loons. We saw some red-necked grebes, no loons, and some mallards. We didn't photograph because the gray overcast would have made for boring images.

We went to WalMart and picked up lots of things, including some more blue stuff for our gray and black tanks.

We returned to the RV around 4:25 and I did some computer work.

I started to make dinner at 5:30 of Asian Style Sensations Pork Eggrolls and Contessa Sesame Chicken Stir-Fry with Rice. J cut up some cantaloupe for dinner too. D came out to the RV around 5:55 to join us for dinner. The stir-fry portions looked tiny as I was dishing out which didn't make sense. After we had almost finished eating, I realized that I had forgotten the rice in the microwave, and that would have padded out the portions a bit. :) J baked chocolate-chip cookies, and we had them fresh out of the oven.

D went back inside around 8:30. I did some computer work. J had some Amarula, a liqueur from South Africa that's similar to Bailey's, and I had some Asbach Uralt.


July 30, 2009, 5:15 PM
by CousinDeb
J&J Great blog! Thanks for sending me the link. Now I will find out what it is like to live and work in an RV. Sounds like fun.
July 31, 2009, 10:37 AM
by ottmarrohe
Did J's tea arrive?!
July 31, 2009, 5:12 PM
by James, the RV Rambler
Yes, J's tea arrived. Thanks. It was here when we arrived and she's a happy camper. D thought it smelled "so gooood."

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