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November 8, 2009, a Sunday
Elephant Butte Lake State Park (South Monticello), New Mexico, USA
— Processed images and our neighbors left :)
Had my normal breakfast then worked up a blog entry. We left at 9:15 and ...

Walked to the main road and back.

We returned to the RV at 10:00. I processed images in Capture One (C1).

Had my normal lunch around 12:05 and continued processing images in Capture One (C1). Our Class A neighbors left around 1:30. :) I did some computer work. A and E, our camper neighbors, left at 2:37, and we were glad to have our loop all to ourselves again. :)

We prepped the RV to move and left around 3:30 to go dump. This dump cycle was shorter than usual (four instead of five days) because the gauge was indicating that the gray tank (waste water from the sinks and shower) was almost full last night. I was pleasantly surprised that we were both able to take a shower after the walk this morning without standing water forming in the bottom of the shower. The gauge was still showing that the gray tank was almost full this afternoon, so we decided to go dump instead of waiting another day.

We returned to our campsite around 3:50. I loaded up the RV fresh water tank. I lubricated the swiveling vent for the waste tanks because it was squeaking, and also lubricated the door latch for the coach of the RV. Uh, the Link 10 (our battery monitor) isn't showing any amperage usage (amps into or out of the battery) and the amp-hour display is showing 0 — looks like I jiggled one too many wires when I was cleaning up the wire routing in the battery compartment yesterday. :( Did some computer work.

Had dinner around 5:50 of J's pork chops and potatoes in a cream sauce (her mother's recipe) and green beans.

I did the dishes then did some computer work. Had a slice of heated blueberry pie — mmm. Did some more computer work before going to bed.