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August 7, 2009, a Friday
Wasilla (D&RA), Alaska, USA
— Photographed red-necked grebes at Lake Lucille
Had a normal breakfast. Processed images for a stock submission. I sell most of my nature photography images through a stock agent. I submit images to the stock agent, and he selects the images he'd like to market. After the agency sells one of my images, I receive a percentage of the sales price. My stock agency is connected with Getty Images, one of the two major stock agencies in the world.

Had lunch around 12:10, then put in some laundry. I processed more images while the laundry finished. We left around 3:30 in the Jeep.

J dropped me off at Great Clips in Wasilla so I could get my hair cut while she ran some errands in town. I have a regular barber back in the Denver area who does a great job with my hair, and I'm reluctant to use another barber because I'm rather particular. In fact, my barber says I'm worse than a woman. :) I usually try to wait until we're back in the Denver area to get my hair cut, but because this is an extended trip, I've already gotten it cut elsewhere. As I said to J recently with a Freudian slip, "I had it whacked in Chillicut." Actually, I had it cut in Chilliwack, BC, on June 16, 2009. It was time to get it whacked, er "cut," again, so I took a chance with a barber, or was it a hair stylist, at Great Clips. She did an OK job, but I'll probably have to trim it up myself some more in a day or so to make it look better.

After the haircut, I walked over to the nearby Fred Meyers to meet up with J.

We went to Lake Lucille to photograph the red-necked grebes that hang out there. We had fun photographing two different pairs, and especially enjoyed the common loon pair that swam by just beyond shooting range.

We returned to the RV around 6:35 and I started cooking dinner of frozen Private Selection Ravioli with Cheese and Classico Sun-Dried Tomato Alfredo. I also made an easy Greek salad of lettuce, feta cheese, and kalamata olives. The alfredo sauce was on the plain side out of the jar, and it tasted much better with some fresh pepper. We had some Nanaimo bars for dessert.

I downloaded images from today and did some computer work while J did the dishes.

We went in to visit with D & RA, and of course Tootie too, around 8:10.