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November 13, 2009, a Friday
Elephant Butte Lake State Park (South Monticello), New Mexico, USA
— Downselected images on this windy day
Friday the 13th came on a Friday this month. (Pogo fans will recognise the reference.)

J's <i>Focused Siberian</i>
J's Focused Siberian
Bozeman, Montana, USA,
January 2009
Canon EOS 1D Mk III, 100-400 (at 200mm),
1/640 sec, f8, ISO 500
Had my normal breakfast. We got notified that the winning images for the November Mile High Wildlife Photography Club (MHWPC) monthly competition (held on November 11, 2009) were posted on the website. Both J and I were eager to see who won because we both submitted images. J's Focused Siberian came in First in the Masters Wildlife Captive or Controlled category. She took the image on my Winter Wildlife Models photo tour in January 2009 near Bozeman Montana. My Pink Lupine came in Second in the Masters Scenic category. You might recall that I took the image on August 8, 2009 at the Palmer Visitor Center in Alaska.

Worked up a blog entry. I started to edit images that I took after Denali National Park in Capture One (C1), and discovered that I had only done a very quick first edit for the days that we had gone on bear viewing flights. :( That means I'll have to spend a lot of time downselecting those images before I can finish the work in Capture One (C1). The wind picked up which meant noise and some rocking of the RV. We have jacks that we can put out under the RV to stabilize it, but they're inconvenient to access, and we decided to just ride out the rocking because it wasn't too bad.

Had lunch and continued to downselect images in Capture One (C1). We prepped the RV to move and left at 3:05.

We went to the dump station to dump our gray (sink and shower) and black (toilet) tanks. Actually, we dump the black first and then the gray because the gray water rinses out the dump hose that way.

We returned to Site 24 around 3:30, and I filled up the RV fresh water tank. I went back to downselecting images in Capture One (C1). I gave J some Photoshop instruction on selective image enhancement using curves and layer masks.

Had dinner of Bertolli Italian Sausage & Rigatoni and Texas Toast. The Italian Sausage skillet meal is one of our favorites.

After dinner, I continued downselecting images in Capture One (C1) from our bear viewing trips. I also had some Aalborg Jubilæums Akvavit from the bottle we picked up on November 4, 2009. It's my favorite akvavit and has a distinct flavor of dill and coriander. J discovered a package of Horehound Candy in the cupboard and we enjoyed eating some. J chewed right through them, and I sucked on them to savor the flavor.


November 15, 2009, 7:47 AM
by Doug
I remember shooting that day in Palmer.
Congrats to both of you
November 15, 2009, 10:02 AM
by James, the RV Rambler
I got some great images that day. Thanks for hosting us and showing us around.

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